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Malkas, granulu un brikešu iegādes izmaksu kompensācija: kā pieteikties pabalstam apkurei 60 eiro?

Pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro: What is it and how to apply for it?

Heating is a basic need in Latvia, where the average heating season lasts 200 days. More than half (58%) of Latvias primary energy consumption is used for heating. However, due to the rapid inflation and the limited availability of natural gas, the cost of heating has increased significantly in recent years. To help households cope with the rising heating bills, the Latvian government has introduced a subsidy scheme called pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro, which means "benefit for heating 60 euros".

pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro

Pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro is a one-time payment of 60 euros that can be claimed by households that use firewood, wood pellets, or briquettes for heating. The subsidy can be used to cover the purchase of these heating materials, regardless of whether they have a proof of purchase or not. The subsidy is part of a larger package of measures that also includes monthly allowances for vulnerable groups, reduced tariffs for electricity, gas, and central heating, and improved housing benefits.

In this article, we will explain who is eligible for pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro, how to apply for it, what are the benefits of it, and what are some common questions about it.

Who is eligible for pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro?

Pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro is available to households that use firewood, wood pellets, or briquettes as their main or secondary source of heating. The subsidy applies to both individual and collective heating systems. However, there are some criteria that need to be met depending on the type of heating system.

Criteria for different types of heating systems

For households that use firewood, wood pellets, or briquettes in individual heating systems (such as stoves or boilers), the subsidy can be claimed if:

  • The household has purchased these heating materials between January 1, 2022 and August 31, 2022;

  • The household has a proof of purchase (such as an invoice or a receipt) that shows the date, amount, and type of heating materials purchased;

  • The household submits an online or in-person application by November 30, 2022.

For households that use firewood, wood pellets, or briquettes in collective heating systems (such as district heating or co-generation stations), the subsidy can be claimed if:

  • The household has purchased these heating materials between January 1, 2022 and August 31, 2022;

  • The household does not have a proof of purchase (such as an invoice or a receipt) or has lost it;

  • The household submits an online or in-person application by November 30, 2022.

How to prove the purchase of heating materials

If the household has a proof of purchase (such as an invoice or a receipt) that shows the date, amount, and type of heating materials purchased, they can upload it to the online application form or present it to the local government office. The proof of purchase must be issued by a registered seller of heating materials and must contain the following information:



Name and address of the seller

Wood Pellets Ltd., Riga, Brivibas Street 123

Name and address of the buyer

John Smith, Riga, Miera Street 45

Date of purchase


Type of heating materials

Wood pellets

Amount of heating materials

5 tons

Price of heating materials

250 euros

VAT (if applicable)


Total amount paid

302.50 euros

If the household does not have a proof of purchase (such as an invoice or a receipt) or has lost it, they can still apply for the subsidy by filling out a declaration form that states the following information:

  • The type and amount of heating materials purchased;

  • The approximate date of purchase;

  • The name and address of the seller (if known);

  • The reason why the proof of purchase is not available.

The declaration form must be signed by the applicant and submitted along with the application form. The declaration form can be downloaded from the website of the Ministry of Welfare or obtained from the local government office.

How to apply for pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro?

Pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro can be applied for online or in person. The application period is from September 1, 2022 to November 30, 2022. The application form can be found on the website of the Ministry of Welfare or on the portal of public services The application form must be filled out with the following information:

Kā saņemt pabalstu apkurei 60 eiro?

Pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro - kuriem pienākas un kā pieteikties?

Pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro - kādi ir nosacījumi un termiņi?

Pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro - kāda ir atbalsta mehānisma ieviešanas kārtība?

Pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro - kādas ir pašvaldību pilnvaras un pienākumi?

Pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro - kāds ir finansējuma avots un sadalījums?

Pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro - kā tas ietekmēs mājsaimniecību budžetu un enerģijas patēriņu?

Pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro - kā tas saistīts ar energoresursu cenu pieaugumu?

Pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro - kā tas ietekmēs vidi un klimata mērķus?

Pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro - kādas ir alternatīvas un ilgtspējīgas risinājumi?

Pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro - vai tas attiecas arī uz malku, granulām un briketēm?

Pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro - vai tas attiecas arī uz elektrību, dabasgāzi un centrālapkuri?

Pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro - vai tas attiecas arī uz sašķidrināto naftas gāzi un dīzeļdegvielu?

Pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro - vai tas attiecas arī uz pensiju saņēmējiem un citiem sociāli mazaizsargātiem cilvēkiem?

Pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro - vai tas attiecas arī uz īpašniekiem, nomniekiem un apsaimniekotājiem?

Pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro - vai tas attiecas arī uz privātmājām, dzīvokļiem un sabiedriskajiem ēkām?

Pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro - vai tas attiecas arī uz lauku, pilsētu un reģionu mājsaimniecībām?

Pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro - vai tas attiecas arī uz jaunajiem, vecajiem un bērniem?

Pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro - vai tas attiecas arī uz invalīdiem, bēgļiem un citiem īpašu vajadzību cilvēkiem?

Pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro - vai tas attiecas arī uz daudzbērnu, vienvecāku un citiem ģimenes tipiem?

Kompensācija par malkas iegādi bez čeka - kā to saņemt?

Kompensācija par granulu un briketu iegādi virs 300 eiro par tonnu - kā to saņemt?

Kompensācija par elektroenerģijas patēriņu virs 500 kWh mēnesī - kā to saņemt?

Kompensācija par dabasgāzes patēriņu virs 221 kWh mēnesī - kā to saņemt?

Kompensācija par centrālapkures pakalpojuma maksu virs 68 eiro par MWh - kā to saņemt?

Valsts pabalsts pensiju saņēmējiem atkarībā no pensijas apmēra - kura summa pienākas man?

Valsts pabalsts bērnu invalīdu vecākiem atkarībā no bē

  • The name, surname, personal identity number, and address of the applicant;

  • The type and number of heating systems used by the household;

  • The type and amount of heating materials purchased by the household;

  • The proof of purchase (if available) or the declaration form (if not available);

  • The bank account number where the subsidy will be transferred.

The online application can be submitted by logging in to with a secure electronic signature or an eID card. The online application can be tracked and edited until November 30, 2022. The online application is free of charge.

The in-person application can be submitted by visiting the local government office where the applicant is registered. The in-person application must be accompanied by a copy of the applicant's identity document and the original proof of purchase (if available) or the declaration form (if not available). The in-person application may incur a service fee depending on the local government.

What are the benefits of pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro?

Pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro is a beneficial scheme that aims to help households reduce their heating costs and their environmental impact. Here are some of the benefits of pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro:

Savings on heating costs and lower carbon footprint

Pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro can help households save up to 10% on their annual heating costs. This can make a significant difference for low-income families who spend more than 10% of their income on heating. Moreover, pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro can encourage households to switch to more sustainable sources of heating, such as firewood, wood pellets, or briquettes, which have lower carbon emissions than fossil fuels. According to a study by the Latvian Environmental Investment Fund, using wood pellets instead of natural gas can reduce CO2 emissions by 90%. Therefore, pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro can contribute to Latvia's goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2050.

Support for vulnerable groups and rural areas

Pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro is designed to support the most vulnerable groups and rural areas in Latvia, who are more likely to use firewood, wood pellets, or briquettes for heating. According to the Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia, 41% of households in rural areas use solid fuels for heating, compared to 16% in urban areas. Moreover, 28% of households in rural areas are at risk of poverty or social exclusion, compared to 19% in urban areas. Therefore, pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro can provide some relief and support for these households, especially during the winter months.

What are the common questions about pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro?

Pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro is a new and unique scheme that may raise some questions among the potential applicants. Here are some of the common questions and answers about pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro:

How long will the subsidy last and when will it be paid?

Pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro is a one-time payment that will be paid by December 31, 2022. The subsidy is valid for the heating season of 2022-2023. The subsidy will be transferred to the bank account provided by the applicant in the application form. The applicant will receive a notification by email or SMS when the payment is made.

What if I have more than one property or heating system?

Pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro can be claimed only once per household, regardless of how many properties or heating systems the household has. A household is defined as a group of people who live together and share expenses. If the household has more than one property or heating system, they can choose which one to apply for the subsidy. However, they cannot apply for more than one subsidy.

What if I change my heating system or move to another place?

Pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro is granted based on the type and amount of heating materials purchased by the household between January 1, 2022 and August 31, 2022. If the household changes their heating system or moves to another place after applying for the subsidy, they do not need to inform the authorities or return the subsidy. However, they cannot apply for another subsidy for their new heating system or place.


Pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro is a beneficial scheme that can help households save money on their heating bills and reduce their environmental impact. The scheme is available to households that use firewood, wood pellets, or briquettes for heating, either in individual or collective systems. The subsidy can be applied for online or in person by November 30, 2022. The subsidy will be paid by December 31, 2022.

If you are interested in applying for pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro, you can visit the website of the Ministry of Welfare or to find out more information and download the application form. You can also contact your local government office for assistance and guidance.

Don't miss this opportunity to get some extra cash for your heating needs and help Latvia achieve its climate goals!


Q: Can I apply for pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro if I use other types of heating materials, such as coal, peat, or oil?

A: No, pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro is only available for households that use firewood, wood pellets, or briquettes as their main or secondary source of heating.

Q: Can I apply for pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro if I receive other types of benefits or allowances from the government?

A: Yes, pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro is not affected by other types of benefits or allowances that you may receive from the government, such as housing benefits, social assistance, pensions, etc.

Q: Can I apply for pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro if I rent my property or live in a dormitory?

A: Yes, pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro is available for households that rent their property or live in a dormitory, as long as they use firewood, wood pellets, or briquettes for heating and meet the other criteria.

Q: How can I check the status of my application for pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro?

A: You can check the status of your online application by logging in to with your secure electronic signature or e ID card. You can also contact your local government office by phone or email to inquire about your in-person application.

Q: What if I have a complaint or a problem with my application or payment for pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro?

A: If you have a complaint or a problem with your application or payment for pabalsts apkurei 60 eiro, you can contact the Ministry of Welfare by phone at +371 67021600 or by email at You can also submit a written complaint to the Ministry of Welfare at Skolas iela 28, Riga, LV-1011. 44f88ac181

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